Liège Vafels - Don't Call It A Comeback - Vafels

Liège Vafels - Don't Call It A Comeback

Liège Vafels in small batches.

Vafels is once again able to offer Liège-style wafels, albeit in small batches. This is expected to be a temporary move as Vafels opens opportunity to scale production on this flagship product that started it all!

Our small production squad will do its best to keep all Liège flavors on a fresh rotation.

In the meantime, Vafels is focused on scaling production without compromise on quality so we can put more Vafels in your pockets.

Get them while they're hot!

Join our mailing list and subscribe to the Vafels newsletter at the bottom of this page so you can be first to know when the next fresh batch is packaged and ready to ship.

Thanks for sticking with Vafels in this period of transition!